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Online Membership

As featured in;

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The Ultimate Wellness Toolkit, all in one place, to support and guide you from anxious, lost and burnt out to feeling

peaceful, free and empowered.

If you are feeling anxious, lost, burnt out and you simply don't know what you need any more to feel good, The Healing Room monthly membership will provide you with all of the health, wellness resources and nervous system healing tools you need to support to overcome your pain and challenges and heal yourself from the inside out. So you can feel your best.

The Healing Room is for you if you; 

  • Find it difficult to rest, even though your body is shouting at you to slow down, listen and recharge your batteries.

  • Are continuously going round and round the anxious loops in your mind.

  • Find yourself pleasing everyone else before yourself even though you are struggling with your own health and energy levels.

  • Find it difficult to sleep at night or you wake up regularly in the night.

  • Feel tired when you wake up in the mornings.

  • Know you need to create more space and time for you but you experience guilt and shame and find it difficult to prioritise yourself.

  • Feel filled with worry and have no clarity about the future.

  • Your body feels tight, achey and sore in your shoulders, hips, back, neck or glutes.

  • Put everyone else above yourself and you find it hard to prioritise you.

  • Have experienced grief, loss or trauma and you can't see a way through right now.

  • Are aware you need to make changes in your life to improve your wellbeing but you still feel totally stuck.

The Healing Room will support you with the healing tools you need to connect with the true essence of you and all the magic you already hold within you.

I know how hard it is to try and find the time or the head space to work out what to do next or how to even take the first step to choose you and take care of you. I've been there! Which is why I've created a space for you here so you can begin to feel supported, put yourself first and make some real, lasting and life-enhancing change to how you feel each day. I've created The Healing Room for you so you can tranform the relationship you have with yourself and feel more peaceful, free and empowered within all areas of your life.

I'm here to guide and show you that you can heal yourself from the inside out;

  • You can experience more peace of mind.

  • Wake up feeling refreshed.

  • Learn how to manage and process your emotions with your wellness toolkit.

  • Feel more calm and peaceful from the inside out.

  • Learn to listen to your body and nourish your body, mind and soul. 

  • Honour your own needs, feelings, dreams and desires.

  • Improve your self-worth and feel more confident. 

  • Feel more energised.

  • Be more open to the joy, the laughter and the fun.


A safe space for you to release, let go and come back home to your true self and a place of inner peace, freedom and confidence within you.


Hi! I'm Laura. I am a Mother, Writer, Healer, Soul Guide and Women's Empowerment Mentor. 

Which means that I guide women on their healing and wellness journey so they can feel more healthy, happy and whole, and so they can find more peace and calm in their day. I've been in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years, and I've studied emotional, physical and spiritual wellness and gained so much inner wisdom on my own healing journey after healing my own grief, burnout and deep rooted anxiety. I tried to fix myself for so long but it was only when I began to show myself love and compassion through healing my emotions, my nervous system and my deep rooted anxieties that I truly began to heal. You name it, I've tried it. I know what works. Which is why I've created The Healing Room. So I can share with you all the tools you need to feel more peaceful, free and empowered from deep within your body, mind and soul.

Wellness & Healing Resources included in
your membership;


Transformational Breathwork

Live & pre-recorded Breathwork sessions to release, let go, soften and heal within.

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Additional Wellness Resources

Journalling prompts, music, courses, workshops and wellness rituals to guide you on your healing journey.



Live and pre-recorded meditation sessions to support you through the programme.



Stretching, self-massage and somatic movement to release, relax and restore your body.


Somatic Healing Rituals

Somatic healing and self-compassion practices to guide you on your healing journey.



A beautiful community of like-minded women and with me by your side guiding you.

Inside the membership...
You'll receive access to weekly live online (via Zoom) Guided Meditations, live monthly Breathwork sessions, workshops, courses, a library of Meditations, Breathwork, Somatic Healing sessions and other resources as well as an understanding community where you can get support other like minded souls on their healing journey.

The Healing Room
Virtual Tour.

Come and join me and take a look inside!

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Feel Peaceful. Free. Empowered.

Choose your pricing plan

  • The Healing Room

    Every month
    Feel Calm, Connected & Empowered within.
    • LIVE Weekly 30 minute Guided Meditation (9pm Monday)
    • LIVE Monthly Breathwork (Thursday 8.15pm)
    • ONLINE library of Breathwork, Meditation & Somatic Healing
    • Journal Prompts, Music, Nutrition & Movement for Healing
    • Access to Workshops and Courses
    • ONLINE Community Hub

If you have any questions please contact Laura here

Laura’s guided mediation sessions have been transformative for me.  I used to dread Mondays but I now really look forward to them.  The sessions are a perfect way to start the week feeling clear-headed and calm.  Laura focusses on a different theme each month and they are always highly relevant to what’s going on my life and head!  The style and structure of the sessions work really well for me and it’s clear that Laura cares deeply about the topics and puts a lot of thought into what we might need from the sessions.  I’ve tried a few online meditation sessions and none compare to Laura’s.  I highly recommend them.

- Laura F, Your Inner Glow Member


“I have been a member of Your Inner Glow for 15 months. I look forward to Laura's Guided Meditation sessions every Monday at 9pm and I  would highly recommend them! Her sessions allow me to slow down and take time for myself. They have helped with my sleep and my overall mental health. If I miss a session I really notice the difference. She has a wonderful calming voice and manner and she is an excellent and inspiring teacher. I feel more balanced and calm now I have given myself permission to take care of myself and honour my own needs each week."

- Maryam S, Your Inner Glow Member

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